
Showing posts from November, 2020

4 Types of OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is Excessive thoughts (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviours (compulsions). It is characterised by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead to compulsive behaviours. OCD often centres on themes such as a fear of germs or the need to arrange objects in a specific manner. Symptoms usually begin gradually and vary throughout life. Treatment includes talk therapy, medication or both.   There are infinite types of OCD, it can impact on any thought, on any subject, on any person, on any fear, and frequently fixates on what’s important in a person’s life. For example, if religion is important to someone, OCD fixates on unwanted intrusive thoughts around religion, perhaps making the sufferer believe their actions/thoughts will offend their god. Another example is if someone begins a new relationship, OCD can make a person question that relationship, their feelings, their sexuality resulting in almost constant rumination, perhap...

Things to Know About Eating Disorder

  Eating disorders are a range of psychological conditions that cause unhealthy eating habits to develop. They might start with an obsession with food, body weight, or body shape. In severe cases, eating disorders can cause serious health consequences and may even result in death if left untreated.   Most common eating disorders are: -   Anorexia nervosa Anorexia nervosa is likely the most well-known eating disorder. People with anorexia generally view themselves as overweight, even if they’re dangerously underweight. They tend to constantly monitor their weight, avoid eating certain types of foods, and severely restrict their calories. Bulimia nervosa Bulimia nervosa is another well-known eating disorder. People with bulimia frequently eat unusually large amounts of food in a specific period. Each binge eating episode usually continues until the person becomes painfully full. During a binge, the person usually feels that they cannot stop eating or cont...

Ways to Fight Addiction

  Addiction is the very thing that is playing a huge role in ruining the lives of many young and old for a long time. Engage in Long-Term Addiction Treatment.  As with any chronic disease, recovery from substance use disorder is not a quick fix. One medication or one month of therapy is not enough to guarantee you won’t start using again. For a better long-term outcome and the tools you need to prevent a relapse, you must get involved with intensive treatment for an adequate period, followed by ongoing support.   Identify and Know How to Manage Triggers of addiction  A good treatment plan will teach you how to recognize triggers. These are the things that make you think about, crave, and ultimately use drugs or alcohol. Triggers can be very general, such as being around people who are using; this is one of the most common factors that trigger almost all people in recovery. Triggers are also specific and may include certain people or places. Emotions can be ...